Maxi Viper MKII Wire Rope Lubricator – (Suitable For Ropes 50mm T0 165mm)

  • Specification :

    The MAXI Viper MKII is the largest WRL on the market, ensuring even the largest and most critical wire ropes can be safely and effectively lubricated.

    • Fast and Efficient Rope Lubrication
    • Eliminates manual lubrication
    • Maximum rope protection
    • High Pressure/High Flow Grease Pump
    • A wide range of sizes

    Application :

    • Underwater offshore wire ropes
    • Rov cables
    • Tensioner cables
    • Vessel crane ropes


Features  MAXI Viper MKII Wire Rope Lubricator
Auxiliary parts AXI-Viper Polyurethane Seals, per pair
MAXI-Viper Scraper Plate, per set of 4
Viper Wire Rope Cleaner
Kit Contents MAXI-Viper MKII High Strength Collar with dual-inlet
45:1 High-Speed High Flow Pump with flow regulator
10m High Pressure ½” Hydraulic Hose with quick connect coupling (For Lubricant Delivery)
1m Clear Lubricant Drain Hose (For excess lubricant)
Retaining Ratchet Straps & Shackles
Drum Cover and Follower Plate
Aluminum Storage Case