DAWG® Chemical Absorbent Features : Effective for the most aggressive fluids including hydrofluoric, sulfuric, nitric, phosphoric, hydrochloric acids, and other harsh chemicals. Provides superior performance without degradation. Hazmat’s high absorbency minimizes the amount of waste generated and the time needed for clean-up. Green is the universal color for safety. Ideal for hazardous liquid clean-ups.
DAWG® Chemical Socks & Pillows Features : These universal socks are plump and fat, not scrawny and underweight. Superior hugging and stretching power make these socks moldable around any machine. Use universal pillows in those hard-to-reach places under machines that leak or drip and around messy hydraulic hoses. Available in a wide variety of types and sizes to cater to all different types of industrial applications.
DAWG® Economy Oil-Only Heavyweight Absorbent Rolls Features : Perforated, hence use only the desired amount you need to reduce waste. Low linting since these pads have an outer scrim to reduce annoying fibers pulling apart. Dimpled for quick absorption and strength. Ideal for both outdoor and indoor applications.
DAWG® Economy Universal Pads & Rolls Features : Absorbs oil, water, coolants, and solvents. Pads have more absorbing power for quick response to small and large spills. Perforated in the middle. Use only what you need to reduce waste. Ideal for areas that have fast-spreading leaks, drips, and overspray of fluids.
DAWG® Oil-Only Socks & Pillows Features : Oil-only socks absorb oil from the water around leaking machines exposed to rain, waste streams, and various other oil/water separation applications. Oil-only socks remove oil from troughs and vats, indoors or outdoors. Use oil-only pillows in waste troughs, fluid reservoirs, and sump wells. These pillows float for easy retrieval.
DAWG® Premium Oil-Only Pads & Rolls Features : Perforated, hence use only the desired amount you need to reduce waste. Low linting since these pads have an outer scrim to reduce annoying fibers pulling apart. Dimpled for quick absorption and strength. Ideal for both outdoor and indoor applications.
DAWG® Universal Socks & Pillows Features : These universal socks are plump and fat, not scrawny and underweight. Superior hugging and stretching power make these socks moldable around any machine. Use universal pillows in those hard-to-reach places under machines that leak or drip and around messy hydraulic hoses. Available in a wide variety of types and sizes to cater to all different types of industrial applications
Economy Oil-Only Pads & Rolls Features : Effectively absorbs petroleum-based liquids, not water Incinerable to less than 0.02% ash. High BTU value. 22,000 BTUs per round Oil-only pads float on water even when fully saturated Ideal for environmental outdoor applications to skim off the water Ideal for industrial indoor applications to absorb oil drips under machine and equipment
Gran-Sorb Granular Feature : Virtually dust free with very little residual after clean up. Easy to incinerate. Chemically neutral, with no detectable silica or hazardous material content. Effective as it does not blow away during clean-up. Fully absorbs spills and retains spilled materials better than all other absorbents tested. Highly absorbent as one bag can absorb 13.6 kg of oil.